Sunday, 2 November 2014


When I first found out that I was assigned to Tepuq Sinah Rang, I was intimidated by the fact that I had to work around the homestay... Which means I will be in the kitchen at some point of time.

Why was I intimidated? It is because I was born with butter fingers and perhaps wobbly legs, and there's no hiding that I am a total klutz.
I almost fell into a small pit, and spilled some tea on Tepuq's couch. All these took place in a day, in the presence of Tepuq. 
The word "accidentally" is my best friend when it comes to incidents like these.

Initially, she never wanted me anywhere near the stove, fearing that I may get injured. 
After a few days of working in the kitchen with her, she decided to rearrange the stove area and made her stove safer for me to use. 
I found that really touching, because she put so much effort into reorganizing things just to ensure that it is safe for me to be in the kitchen. 

Normally, she would instruct me with what to do whenever we prepare meals together.
Many times, I will be stacking up plates, bowls, and cutleries for mealtimes.
I had to be really cautious in handling the really fancy bowls and plates but not-Kit-May-friendly-things.
(Thankfully I didn't break any throughout this project!!)

However, one evening, I accidentally let go of a wooden chopping board and it fell onto the ground. Tepuq immediately came to have a look at my feet - to see if there are any marks on my feet. I told her that the chopping board didn't land on my feet.

She told me that all she wanted from me, was to be safe.

She went back into the kitchen shortly after, and the next thing she heard was "Bam!"

I accidentally let go of a plastic tray and it landed on the ground.

Tepuq is really cute. Her reaction this time around was:


Thank you, Tepuq, for making sure I am always safe and for allowing me to make mistakes. 

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