Thursday, 25 September 2014

Hospitality At Its Best

Upon arriving Bario till the day we left, there were many things that impressed me. From the clear blue skies that we got to witness every day without fail to the delicious food prepared by our respective Tepuqs and Sinahs, one thing that continually amazes me till now is the hospitality shown by the community to those around them. Be it strangers, friends or family members, the community is always so hospitable through the little things they do.

There were two scenarios on one particular event that left me amazed by their kindness and thoughtfulness. It happened on our second community service when we went to Arur Dalan in the morning to clean the local church. After borrowing some equipments needed to clean the church, all of us got to the task at hand. We went about cleaning the church, sweeping, wiping windows, destroying cobwebs and mopping together with some children in the village who happily came to join us. We were not even halfway done with the cleaning when Sinah Sarina, one of the Sinah who lives in Arur Dalan, came into the church carrying a kettle of tea, a bowl of biscuits and some fruits, asking us to take a break from what we were doing.

After that short break, we continued with cleaning the church and that was when Rhon and Dan told us that an uncle who lives in Arur Dalan invited all of us to have lunch in his house. So instead of having lunch at Tepuq Sinah Rang's homestay on weekends, we had lunch at the uncle's house when the cleaning was completed in which his wife, Sinah Maren, prepared a scrumptious meal despite the water rationing issue Arur Dalan was facing.

These two simple acts of kindness really warms my heart till this day because we were just a group of young people whom they barely knew personally but they cared for us anyway. They went all out with their actions to tell us that they are thankful for us being there to help them. Everything was done out of sincerity and love. Even the water rationing issue did not hinder them from preparing and cooking the food.

Living in a society where people only do good to another selectively, this experience in Bario as a whole is so precious. Through this, it reminded me to do everything genuinely and without asking anything back in return. It has also made me realise that we do not need to hold back acts of kindness just because we do not know someone well enough or because we think that person does not deserve it. Sometimes, the little things that we do with sincere hearts will make a difference in someone's life because what I have experienced in Bario certainly made a difference in mine.

To all the people in Bario who cared for all of us unconditionally: Thank you so much! Your love shown to us will always be rememebered.

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