Wednesday, 1 October 2014

A Beautiful Community Like No Other

Since I got back home, people have been asking how my experience in Bario was. I tell them of the crazy things we did there, the ice-cold showers that we endured on a daily basis, the limited electricity supply, the fresh air we got to enjoy and the list goes on and on. But one thing I make sure I talk about is the people in Bario. 

The people in Bario specifically the Kelabit community that I had the privilege to know, are the most beautiful people inside and out. Never have I met a community so close-knitted to one another, ever so loving to the outsiders and completely selfless in the things they do for those they love.  

Picture taken on 5/8/2014 while walking with
Aunty Nicole to a sundry shop.
If I were to use a picture to describe them, the above picture would be it. Like the sky that reflects its beauty on the waters contained in the paddy field, so are heavens glory and beauty reflecting in the lives and hearts of this group of people. 

I have experienced the most genuine love and care given by the people that I did not really know when I first arrived. When one of us got ill or hurt, they gathered people and held a prayer meeting to pray for healing and recovery. When we needed help, they offered their hands immediately. When we were tired, they pampered us with durians and pineapple juice. 

Such people are difficult to come by especially living in a world where people are self-centered and selfish, always putting others second after themselves. People are constantly looking out for themselves that they ignore the rest around them. I, too am guilty of this at times. And what I have witnessed through the Kelabit community for the mere 15 days definitely impacted to me to imitate their actions. 

Their actions that are deeply rooted to their faith and what they were taught from generation to generation. Regardless of whether it is people who are blood related to them or people that they have just met, everyone is treated like family nonetheless. And personally I think it is something that I will always remember and hold on to. 

Thank you, Bario, for blessing me with the privilege to know these group of people :)

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