Unfortunately, over the 3 weeks of Project WHEE, I had to
pay 2 visits to the clinic.
This would be the only clinic in the whole of Bario, so I was
totally ‘spoilt for choice’. :p
But it was quite an interesting trip nonetheless.
The first occasion was in the first week of the trip, I got
the usual combo, fever, saw throat, flu and a bad cough. That had me in bed
most of the first week, not fun at all!
The few days I did go out though, all the tepuqs somehow
knew I was sick, it was a little creepy. But they were all so nice and really
wanted me to rest instead of helping out in the paddy field. The love of the tepuqs is amazing!
Regardless of how
sick you are, a little bit of ego does kick in when an 80 year old lady tells
you to rest because you can’t handle the hard work. You put on a fake smile and
be like, “harvesting paddy under the hot sun is relaxing!”
Gotta say, that was a pretty bad idea, it because the next
day I was totally out.
And that’s when Daniel decided it’s time to drag me to
the clinic. The experience was very different from the clinic experiences here
in KL.
For one thing, the receptionist was the doctor and also the
pharmacist, and he was in track bottoms and a dry fit tee the entire time. I
got a very relaxed feel at the clinic as well comparative to the up-tightness that
we're used to here in the city.. ain't no need for lab coats man!
The second occasion was towards the last few days in Bario, I
had gotten bitten by some unidentified insect (as the doctor put it). The bite
caused my right had to swell up pretty bad. It was a first time for me, so I was
more interested in scratching and playing with my new hulk sized hand than
actually getting it treated.
If it had swelled a little more, I may have qualified as a
big knuckled hunk that Rui Ci likes so much, sadly nope. :P
And there are no secrets from the Tepuqs, when I was out in
the paddy field and they found out my hand was swollen, I got the coolest
medical advice ever!
You balik (go back)
You mandi (shower)
You agi (aginomoto)
You tidur (sleep)
I still find it really odd, but the tepuqs resort to
aginomoto (mixed with water to become a paste) as a medical remedy for many
things. I find it pretty odd, but it works!(with the help of Calamine Lotion)
Or well, C5H8NO4Na For The Win!!
Here, enjoy this random vid I took on one of my sick days.
Very chill! Much relax! Such breeze!
Fields in the wind
Don't mind Thriya's attempt to rap at the end! :p
- Dev Lian
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